Thursday, September 13, 2007


This sculpture is a reincarnation of a piece I did about a year and a half ago, though I was never quite satisfied with the original sculpture. I made a bunch of these:

and strung them on several pieces of fishing line which were then hung in the shape of a cylinder. As with many of my sculptures and their resemblance to objects and actions found in nature, the piece called to mind floating cords of seaweed. Absent however, were the bright greens, reds, and browns found in their natural counterparts.

That piece was part of my senior show, and given the deadline for hanging, I did not have time to rework its installation so I was happy with it. I have long had another idea for installation of the work and have finally given life to it.

"Rise" is installed in the Glens Falls office of Trampoline Design and is composed of hundreds of small pinwheels, hung with white thread. Reminiscent of both a cloud and a flock of birds taking flight, the work calls to mind a lightness of being, and the weightless nature of objects that seem to suspend without effort in the space above us.

This is my first (of many I hope) permanent installation and I would love to hear feedback, the good, the bad, and the helpful. :)


Anonymous said...

i really like reminds me of wind or pohcahontas or something hehe :)

Anonymous said...

Briar said it looked like flowers!

Anonymous said...

Trina! I absolutely LOVE the new installation!!!! LOVE IT! It flows so beautifully in such a graceful curve... and the way it catches the light! I am sure the photo pales compared to the real thing... Wow, just wow :) XXOO